Habesha Spot ( where the Horn of Africa Connects world wide)
Ethiopian and Eritrean Business Directory with social networking platform, Nearby Events, Discussions with Q & A, Rent or Sale properties or find roommates, Ordering for your nearby Market places and more
Looking for a restaurant, café or any other business in your locality? Want to find out user reviews of the place before visiting? Try our exciting new “Habesha Solution Directory” app to help you discover business and user reviews about the business from genuine users. You can find out the locality of the business, contact details along with average user rating. Using our business directory app, you can also share the business listing with your friends through social media or messaging apps.
This amazing business listing directory note includes a directory with details of businesses that you are looking for but also includes social networking feature where you can interact with people around you, share thoughts, images, etc. with each other. Within the app, you can ask a question and get answer, updated news headlines and nearby events. The app has a very user friendly interface to help you find business listings and professionals at all fields.
If you think that some business around you is missing and should be a part of our directory, you can list the business by creating an account. We ensure that we show you only verified business listings from the most trusted sources.
Browse business listings around you
Know past user reviews and comments
News headlines, Discussion panel with Questions and Answers
Connect with people using social networking feature
Nearby Events , entertainment shows and more
Post business listings by creating an account
So, what are you waiting for? Just download this amazing Habesha Spot app for Ethiopian, Eritrean and Somalian explore all business near you with your smartphone.
We are constantly working hard on making the Habesha Spot” app better and more useful for you. We need your constant support to get going. Please feel free to email us for any queries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to say hello. We would love to hear from you. If you have enjoyed any feature of the Habesha Spot Business Directory” app, do not forget to rate us on app store.